2017-09-30 workout

I’ve been keeping these privately in Evernote for the past year, but maybe I’ll post them on WordPress instead. It might be more motivating. It’s also less public than posting to Facebook, despite being accessible by more people.

  • 5 min row machine
  • Straight-leg dead lifts, flat back: 12@20kg, 8@60kg, 4@100kg, 3, 3
  • Assisted dips, wide grip, new machine: 2 drop sets, going down to 40kg assistance, 3 minutes between sets
  • Assisted pull ups, pronated grip: 5@10kg, 3.5, 7@20
  • Pallof press, big cable machine: 12 (each side)@30kg, 12, 12
  • Bicep machine: Drop set starting at 30kg
  • Tricep pull downs with straight bar: Drop set starting at 45kg on the big cable machine
Time: 51 minutes
Weight: 72.0 kg
Notes: felt too tired/sick to do 17 Pallof presses as planned