2023-10-15 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Straight leg dead lift, articulating back: 12@20kg, 1-min rest, 12@32kg, 3-min rest, 10
  • Dumbbell chest press: 10@16kg, 8 (2-min rests)
  • Cable machine ab crunches 12@21.25kg, 2-min rest, 12

Weight: 79.7 kg (afternoon)

Time: 50 minutes

2023-09-02 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Straight leg dead lift, articulating back: 12@20kg, 1-min rest, 12@30kg, 3-min rest, 12@45kg
  • Assisted pull-ups: 7@45kg, 3-min rest, 6@54kg
  • Dumbbell chest press: 10@18kg, 6@18kg (2-min rests)
  • Cable machine ab crunches 12@23.75kg, 2-min rest, 12
  • Tabata, one riser

Weight: 79.3 kg (morning)

Time: 43 minutes

2023-08-27 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Straight leg dead lift, articulating back: 12@20kg, 1-min rest, 12@30kg, 3-min rest, 12@40kg, rest, 12
  • Dumbbell shoulder press (seated, fixed bench): 10@14kg (each side), 3-min rest, 6, rest, 4
  • Assisted pull-ups: 7@45kg
  • Cable machine ab crunches 12@21.25kg, 2-min rest, 12
  • Tabata

Weight: 79.3kg (afternoon)

Time: 47 minutes

2022-08-20 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Straight leg dead lift, articulating back: 12@20kg, 1-min rest, 12@32kg, 3-min rest, 10@40kg
  • Dumbbell chest press: 8@18kg, 6@18kg (2-min rests)
  • Assisted pull-ups: 5@45kg, 3-min rest, 6@54kg
  • Cable machine ab crunches 12@18.75kg, 2-min rest, 12
  • Tabata

Weight: 78.8 kg (morning)

Time:43  minutes

2022-07-30 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Straight leg dead lift, articulating back: 12@20kg, 1-min rest, 12@32kg, 3-min rest, 10@40kg
  • Leg extension machine: 10@46kg, 3-min rest, 10@57kg
  • Assisted pull-ups: 10@54kg, 3-min rest, 6@45kg
  • Dumbbell chest press: 12@16kg, 6@18kg (2-min rests)
  • Cable machine ab crunches 12@16.25kg, 2-min rest, 12

Weight: 78.8kg (afternoon)

Time: 44 minutes

2022-07-23 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Leg extension machine: 12@29kg, 2-min rest, 10@39kg, 1-min rest, 10@48kg, 3-min rest, 10@57kg
  • Lat pull-down: 10@40kg, 2-min rest, 10@45kg, 3-min rest, 10
  • Dumbbell chest press: 12@14kg, 10 (2-min rests)
  • Straight leg dead lift, articulating back: 12@20kg, 1-min rest, 12@30kg, 3-min rest, 10@40kg

Weight: 79.6 kg (afternoon)

Time: 42 minutes

2023-07-15 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Leg curl: 12@36kg, 12@45kg, 12@54kg, 2-min rest, 12, 2-min rest, 12
  • Dumbbell shoulder press (seated, fixed bench): 12@12kg (each side), 3-min rest, 8, 6
  • Decline (relatively flat) bench sit ups: 10@10kg, 10 (3-min rests)
  • Assisted pull ups: 7@36kg, 3-min rest, 7@45kg

Weight: 78.5kg (morning)

Time: 38 minutes

2022-05-27 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Leg extension machine: 10@66kg, 3-min rest, 10@75kg, 3-min rest, 10
  • Lat pull-down: 10@47kg, 3-min rest, 8@57kg
  • Dumbbell chest press: 10@18kg, 7 (3-min rests)
  • Decline bench sit ups: 10@10kg, 3-min rest, 8
  • Bicep curl machine

Weight: 78.5 kg (afternoon)

Time: 37 minutes

2023-05-21 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Barbell back squats: 12@20kg
  • Leg curl: 12@36kg, 12@45kg, 12@54kg, 3-min rest, 12, 2-min rest, 12
  • Dumbbell shoulder press (seated, fixed bench): 9@14kg (each side), 3-min rest, 8, 6
  • Decline bench sit ups: 10@10kg, 9 (3-min rests)
  • Assisted pull ups: 7@36kg, 3-min rest, 7@45kg

Weight: 79.5 kg (evening)

Time: 45 minutes

Notes: moderate pain in right hip during squats, so I switched to the leg curl machine

2022-05-13 workout

  • 5 min row machine
  • Leg extension machine: 10@66kg, 3-min rest, 10@75kg, 3-min rest, 10
  • Lat pull-down: 10@47kg, 3-min rest, 8@57kg
  • Dumbbell chest press: 9@18kg, 7 (3-min rests)
  • Decline bench sit ups: 10@10kg, 3-min rest, 7

Weight: 79.0 kg (afternoon)

Time: 34 minutes